Thursday, August 18, 2011

Round Dos

Well it has been a while and as you can see I didn't fallow through. I life as in golf followthrough is always the hardest part. Anyway I am going to start writting in this if I can remember to do so. It is nice that I have it here although I am sure that most of my friends who were following it probably stopped. No offense taken since I didn't write in it for over a year. I just realized I still had it so I decided to pull it up.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read it.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Update Number 1!!!

So it has been a week. I feel kind of guilty because I haven't done as much as I should have to be successful. Thankfully, I have so much to loose that the scale has shown growth, or should I say reduction. For those of you who can't do math I started at 300.1 pounds. My Friday weigh-in was at 294.6. So far I'm down 5 pounds.

The thing is I could loose 5 pounds in my sleep. I made it to the gym only 2 times last week. Food wise I was only off track 2 days last week. That's not too bad. I am trying not to have junk food in the house at all. The idea there is that if I don't have it around I can't eat it. That way if I get the munchies my only option is healthy food.

Quantity control is always an issue for me. I grew up in a house of "King Size" candy bars, "Big Mac's", and "Family sizes". The problem is that I have taken the ball and run with it since then. I find myself trying to analyse how much I am eating at a time. The other day I forgot to pack a lunch. I ended up at Taco Bell and ordered off the "Drive Through Diet" menu. I felt pretty good about it. Then I got to work and someone asked me if I was going to eat all that. It hadn't occurred to me that 2 taco's and a burrito was a large amount of food. One or two taco's is plenty of food, but I don't feel satisfied unless I'm full. This is a huge reason that I have a weight problem. I don't need to stuff myself. It's not like I'm going to run out of food and need to put some away for the winter. If I control my portions better I will loose weight. Plane and simple.

I have a few tests coming up this week so time prioritizing will be key. I have to start getting up earlier and going to bed earlier which I hear will also help stabilize my metabolism. So stay tuned and we will see how things go. Also next time I hope to compare the hotness scale of Winter Olympians to that of Summer Olympic Athletes.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who Knew?

Who knew people would actually read this? It is incredibly encouraging to see some old friends supporting me on this adventure. I am sure that it is going to help immensely. I was originally going to just give out the address to a few select people so they could keep me accountable, but my friend JR asked for it on my Facebook and I gave it out.

I got a great message from a friend I haven't heard from in a long time. She too is trying to take back this aspect of her life. It was good to hear from her. It is also nice to know that I am not alone in my endeavor.

I actually started this process about 2 weeks ago. I went to the doctor and got a physical. Blood work and the whole bit. Everything short of turning my head and coughing. I wanted to see where I stood so I could tell how far I've come when I arrive. The doctor told me 3 things. 1. I'm out of shape. (she went to medical school for that?) 2. I have high cholesterol. I'm at a 136. The range I should be in is less than 100. 3. I have a vitamin D deficiency. Apparently that is pretty common in the winter time. It is considered to be a contributing factor to seasonal effective disorder. AKA the winter blues. So I am now on a pill that is supposed to fix that. It also means that I need to get out in the sunshine more often since that is where we get most of our vitamin D.

Today was not a great day for the cause. I faced what I believe will be the most challenging obstacle in my quest. Boredom. I had a training at work. I prepared. I took a bag of nuts. I had a good breakfast. But when the candy was passed out I took a few pieces. I am a firm believer that if you totally deny yourself sweets than it just causes you to binge on them later. However when I got home I found an empty house. (room mate out of town) Since I no longer have a girl friend I couldn't call her up and go hang out. What I should have done is gone to the gym. What I did was sit on the couch and watch the Olympics... and graze on everything in my pantry.
This is the mindset that I need to overcome. When there is nothing to do there is always something to do. Idle hands are indeed the Devils workshop. (or tools depending on which quote you use) I will not make the same mistake tomorrow. I am not working tomorrow morning and I am resolute to get my big butt out of bed and go to the gym.

Thanks again for your support and please let me know your reading it by making comments. Or shoot me a facebook note. The more comments I get the more I feel like people are depending on me to carry through, and the more encouraged I become. Thank you all. Stay tuned.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

And So It Begins, 80 to go

Since this will be the first time I have ever written a blog you will have to bear with me. I hope this thing has spell check. :-)

I have never thought about doing a blog before because quite frankly I never thought anyone was interested in what I had to say. Because, quite frankly I have never been to concerned about what any one else had to say. And, if I was, I would ask them. However when in the course of human events it become self evident that one needs to do something to regain control of one's life, then he should do so with any and all tools at his disposal. Therefore I will be using this blog, and hopefully the readers of the blog, to help me in my effort to loose 80 pounds.

Yes. You read correctly. 80 pounds. Many of you who are close to me are often telling me "you really don't look that big." My friend Dallan is one of those people. That is one of the may reasons he is my friend. My Mom is not one of those people, that is why she is my Mom. She tells me like it is. Sometime it is best to get a healthy dose of both.

Most of you know that I broke my neck when I was 16. At the time I was quite an athlete. I have gained weight every year since. Except for the few years where I just maintained. I weighed 185 pounds when I broke my neck and when I graduated, which was the last time I felt "in shape", I weighed 220. My goal is to get back to the 220 mark. I am a big guy. Probably always will be "bigger", but the reality is that if I wait any longer to start taking better care of myself than it may be too late to avoid long term health problems. My family all suffers with weight issues. My Mom and my uncle John are both diabetics. So far it seems I have inherited my Dad's pancreas, however I hope not to inherit it 40+ waist size any longer.

To all of those who are willing to help me in my quest please feel free to comment, encourage, scold, tease, cheer, laugh, and cry along with me. Post comments early and often, and hopefully we can have some fun together on this journey. Thank you for you time.
